Product demo

Collect customer feedback to build better products.

Create a feedback board in minutes, prioritize features, and build products your customers will love.

80% of startups fail because founders build

useless products.


Launch new feature


But nothing happens


Lose motivation and quit

How it works

Create a Board
Create a board and share it with your customers.
Collect Feedback
Customers can upvote features and add new ones.
Build Better Products
Use feedback to prioritize features and build better products.

Ship features
users really want

Collect user feedback

Use your FeedBoard to let users submit features they want.

Suggest a feature

Invoices should be sent automatically after purchase.
It verifies ownership of the user faster

Prioritize features

Users upvote features they want. You know what to ship next.

Dark mode for the dashboard

Yes, ship this! ✅

One-Time payment option instead of the subscription

Maybe ship this 🤔

Export invoices as .png

But don't ship that ❌

By Ayush